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Sound from Heaven/Girl Choristers of Washington National Cathedral
Sound from Heaven/Washington National Cathedral
Our Price: $18.98 - includes Free Shipping!

Quantity in Stock:50

Product Code: WNC-0301

Program and Notes
Sound from Heaven
A Liturgy for Pentecost
Anna Maria Friman, soprano
The Girl Choristers of Washington National Cathedral, James Litton, director
Quintus Quodlibet, Geoffrey Williams, director
Erik Wm. Suter, organist
Edward M. Nassor, carillonneur
This recording brings together a splendid tapestry of music from the Franco-Belgian tradition, including traditional Gregorian chant, monody from the Notre Dame Conductus which flourished in Paris circa 1200, and the medieval "Messe de Tournai." This music is paired with the excerpts from the Pentecost Mass for organ by Olivier Messiaen, the 20th century Roman Catholic mystic; also Messiaen's choral motet, "O Sacrum Convivium," and music from the Cathedral's 53-bell carillon.

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