You are here: Home > Featured Organs > Seattle, WA: Church of the Ascension: Fritts organ
Quintadena 16' Principal       (TC/Ged bass) 8' Subbaß 16'
Principal 8' Gedackt 8' Principal 8'
Rohrflöte 8' Quintadena 8' Octave 4'
Violdigamba 8' Principal 4' Nachthorn 2'
Octave 4' Rohrflöte 4' Posaune 16'
Spitzflöte 4' Octave 2' Trompet 8'
Nasat/Cornet II Gemshorn 2'
Octav 2' Quint/Sesquiltara II
Mixtur IV-VI Scharff III-V
Trompet 8' Fagott 16'
Vox Humana 8' Dulcian 8'
Trompet 4'
Couplers: Oberwerk to Hauptwerk
Hauptwerk to Pedal
Oberwerk to Pedal
Other: Burnished tin front pipes
Solid wood casework with carved pipe shades
Suspended key action
Mechanical stop action
Variable tremulant
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Recital at Ascension - Harald Vogel
Recital at Ascension/Vogel
Our Price: $18.98 - includes Free Shipping!
This CD documents the second recital given on the new Fritts organ at Church of the Ascension (Episcopal) in Seattle. German organ virtuoso Harald Vogel takes us on a tour of this new instrument built in 18th century Dutch and German traditions. Included in the program is Cantica Rustica Americana, presumably "discovered" by Herr Vogel and played for the first time in this recital. This theme and variations are based on a 17th-century American folksong that everyone will recognize.