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Evensong for Epiphany - Grace Cathedral - Fenstermaker How Bright appears the Morning Star - St. Mark's Cathedral - J. Melvin Butler Reflections of Light/Laver
Evensong for Epiphany/Grace Cathedral
Our Price: $18.98 - includes Free Shipping!
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Given the emphasis our culture places on Christmas, it is easy to forget Epiphany on January 6. It is, however, a feast with its own music and character. The superb choir of men and boys perform a complete liturgy of choral Evensong for Epiphany, with prayers, readings, and music.
The chorale “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” (“How brightly shines the Morning Star”) is presented on this CD in a wide variety of musical styles, along with other hymns, anthems and voluntaries for the season of Epiphany. J. Melvin Butler directs the cathedral choir in this program of familiar–and unusual–works. Anne Laver explores works about celestial light, with examples from a wide variety of styles, including the rarely heard Fantasy and Fugue by Heinrich Reimann. Played on the large Paul Fritts organ at St Joseph Cathedral in Columbus, OH.