Music for Advent
Choir of Men & Boys Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
Christopher Putnam, associate organist & choirmaster
John Fenstermaker, organist & choirmaster
Recorded in 2000, "Music for Advent" is a program of nineteen hymns, carols and organ works for Advent and includes the Matin Responsory adapted from Palestrina (which opens many an Advent service in Anglican churches around the world), the hymn "Creator of the stars of night," "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," and Bach's Wachet auf! for organ.
Palestrina: Matin Responsory
Hymns: Come, thou redeemer of the earth (Puer nobis)
Howells: A spotless rose
Hymn: Hark a thrilling voice is sounding
Handl: Aspiciens a longe
Prætorius/Distler: Lo! How a rose
Hymn: Creator of the stars of night
Basque carol: The Angel Gabriel
Sowerby: Prelude on Veni Emmanuel (organ solo)
Fenstermaker: Come quickly, Lord Jesus
Plainsong: Rorate cæli de super
Palestrina: Rorate cæli de super
Gibbons: This is the record of John
Bullock: St. John Baptist
Bach: Zion Hört die Wächter singen
Wood: O thou, the central orb
Hymn: On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
Plainsong: Magnificat; organ versets by Joseph Bonnet