J.S. Bach: Festival Chorales
First Church, Deerfield, MA
Richards, Fowkes & Co. Organ
Lynn Edwards Butler, organist
This is the first recording on the new Richards & Fowkes organ in Deerfied, MA, an instrument inspired by the organs Bach would have known. Noted organologist Butler displays her mettle as the performer of this imaginative Bach program organized around the festival chorales of the liturgical year.
Prelude: Fantasia in c, BWV 562/1
For the Festival of Easter:
Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 625
Christ lag in Todes Banden à 2 claviers et pédale, BWV 718
Fantasia super Christ lag in Todes Banden choralis in alto, manualiter, BWV 695
For the Festival of Pentecost:
Komm, Heiliger Geist, alio modo, à 2 claviers et pédale, BWV 652
Fantasia super Komm, Heiliger Geist, in organo pleno, il canto fermo nel tenore, BWV 651
For the Festival of Trinity:
Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr, à 2 claviers et pédale il canto fermo nel tenore, BWV 663
For Rogate (Prayer) Sunday:
Vater unser im Himmelreich, à 2 claviers et pédale e canto fermo in canone, BWV 682
Postlude: Passacaglia, BWV 582